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A 22-year-old man was on Monday 1 April 2024 lynched by an angry mob on suspicion of stealing from his neighbour in the Nyagoko area of Madiany sub-County within Siaya County 

The body of the deceased who was identified by his surname Ochieng was left lying in a pool of blood at Jodongo Yuko village following a thorough beating from the angry public.

Rarieda police are now investigating the homicide as death caused by mob justice. Officers from Aram Police Station rushed to the scene only to find the lifeless body of Ochieng whom villagers accused of having stolen personal items from his neighbour, sprawled in a pool of blood.

The acting Assistant Chief Luke Otieno reported the incident to the police who immediately commenced investigations.


The body has been moved to Madiany sub-County Hospital mortuary.


dalanews.co.ke https://g.page/r/CerTmAWCtzj4EBM/review¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÿÛ C

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