In another age Lech Walesa, the Polish trade activist proved to the world that the people (here workers) can bring down dictatorial regimes through something called mass action.
I’ve been holding serious consultations with political scholars and they tell me not to be overexcited about these Gen Z thing. They say it’s a systemic development in all democracies – the adults have had their say, in the Saba-saba protests, now the kids will have theirs with the reject Finance Bill hashtags.
What my political advisor stresses is that these teens are exploring their natural generational growth tendencies to revolt but when you seat them down and have a fatherly talk they’ll likely forget about being truants. And nobody knows how to seat someone down and talk as the government does.
“Right now it’s a fluid revolution with no centre of command or a distinctive leader. The government will just sit back and watch these thing crystallize into a structured revolt then the leaders will be sat down and given offers they can’t ignore. That’s how Government gets functional in rebel-prone localities of Southern America and Asia,” said my tutor.
But, as you know, am a critic of everything, including conventional thought. Just what if these thing mutates, gets a life of its own and on twenty-fourth, as they’ve threatened, the youth actually hack the government? What then?
The answer, sadly, is nobody knows what will happen. Not even the youth themselves!
By calling on the Kenyan Defence Forces to be on the standby to offer a transitional conduit for self-determination tells you how these Gen Z chaps are clueless. A military takeover even temporarily (as the one we saw before they were born in August 1982) ushers in chaos of a dimension they’ve never seen in their wildest dreams.
The military is not kids play, omera!
So I would advise the youth to be as creative as they are. Surely nobody ever thought that marketing skills such as those displayed in expressive banners all recoiled within the youth. The boldness of that Somali girl, the insight and chutzpah of the whole revolt is simply ingenious.
But just allow me to ask, humbly, where all these ingenuity was hidden two years ago when Zakayo was voted in. Was it Baba, the youth did not want or is it lack of political schooling.
The baseline is that a people deserve the kind of representation they get because it’s the people who vote leaders into power. Dancing and performing in the streets is a precursor to chaos and the youth will suffer if they go that route because whoever will replace Zakayo (if by any chance they succeed) will not have been sanctioned by the ballot box.
For the record all Siaya MPs voted NO (with the exception of Gideon Ochanda) to the second reading of the Finance Bill 2024. We may not be out there in the streets but we know how to use our votes.
Congratulations Akuba, Atandi, Amollo, Wandayi and Ochieng.
Editorial Thursday 21 June, 2024