A letter addressed to Siaya Governor James Orengo has surfaced over the appointment of Mr. Joab Tumbo as Liaison Officer.
The letter is hereby reproduced, as received, in its entirety:-
“Subject: Concerns Regarding Joab Tumbo’s Appointment as Siaya liason Officer
Dear Governor,
I am writing to express my grave concerns regarding the potential appointment of Joab Tumbo as Siaya liason Officer. Evidence has surfaced indicating that even though he held a similar position in Joho’s regime(Mombasa) Mr. Tumbo has falsified his academic credentials, including presenting a fraudulent degree certificate from an Indian university he never attended.
I urge you to conduct a thorough investigation into these allegations before proceeding with the appointment. It is vital that the integrity of the selection process is upheld, and the position is given to a deserving candidate with genuine qualifications and ethical conduct.
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.