When the Siaya Deputy Governor is in town, you can always tell: the abrasive attitude of system supporters both in life and on social media is heightened.
Already sections of the media are dredging up stories about Dr William Oduol being denied access to his offices and his utility vehicles being re-assigned. Whatever the current truth about these allegations the immutable fact is that the Office of the Deputy Governor is constitutional and it must be respected.
This is a constitutional office that cannot be subjected to semi-literate banter at funerals and child’s play by an unelected pretender.
However, whoever crafted the 2010 Constitution that envisaged the 2013 Devolved Governance structure dismally failed to capture the fact that political marriages are fickle, infidelity is paramount and the subjects only remain in such marriages for the sake of personal benefits.
A quick recap of the Orengo-Oduol political marriage is that it was doomed from the word go. Both eminent persons have polarised personalities being equally accomplished scholars, professionals and technocrats. The marriage would have been highly successful in the corporate world where results and not egotism are the yardsticks of success.
But such marriages, in real life, have still been sustained out of convenience, if not love.
In politics ego reigns supreme and when Orengo realised that within three months in office Oduol was becoming the centrepiece of his admininistration, radical changes had to be made.
Fortunately Governor James Aggrey Bob Orengo is a big man with a big heart (currently he is one of the longest serving politicians in the Republic of Kenya). Orengo is a master in the art of Kenyan politics. Insider information has it that Orengo has always wanted to incorporate Dr. Oduol, albeit under stricter controls, in the implementation of the Nyalore manifesto.
The problem is with the Governor’s handlers.
Someone high up in the echelons of power is misguidedly afraid that incorporating Dr William Oduol into the current system is a sure way of making Orengo a one-term Governor.
Whoever is driving this school of thought is deliberately denying that successful regimes are often granted continuity, if not in the ballot box, then in the anals of history.
At 71, James Aggrey Bob Orengo is out to leave a legacy. The people close to him should be advised that they are implicitly destroying that legacy by limiting the Governor.
Allow the Governor to work with the best brains in Siaya. You can start by letting him work with his official Deputy out of convenience, if not love.
Editorial Thursday 16 May 2024