It takes great gumption to walk into a man’s home and tell them to their face that if they leave ODM Party they may as well kiss goodbye to any ambitions of becoming Kisumu County Governor.
That gumption has to be even greater considering the occasion was the burial of the subject’s mother. Well, that is precisely what ODM Party Secretary-general, Edwin Sifuna did with Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda at the burial of his mother in Nyakach over the weekend. He told him off at his face.
Sifuna even told off the national government for having deprecated to the level that some of its principal people who were hitherto considered debased appear now as angelic.
But that is not what tickled the people of Nyakach to walk out on Ojienda and Luo Nyanza in general into deifying Sifuna. No.
It was his bluntness as he expressed a truth most of us know but lack the platform to tell it. All politics is local and once a candidate looses synchronisation with the ideals of the electorate they operate in utopia.
We have nine Legislators who went for breakfast at State House and issued a statement thereafter that the breakfast, ostensibly, was to canvass for development projects for their constituents.
We know who this nine Legislators were and that the Party reprimanded them and they sought legal refuge through the tribunal and courts just to retain their positions. Otherwise in Luo Nyanza they all would have lost their positions immediately if by-elections were called.
These are things we all know but since the tradition of politicians giving handouts oils the engine of life we take the money and sing in churches Akuba eee, Akuba AAA!
Gideon Ochanda who was a teacher at one time is drawing on classroom experience and has rather disengaged from bothering the people of Bondo with UDA politics. He can’t show them the dual carriageway that was promised during the presidential visit, nor is there anything to show for the Wathgoye Bridge.
Jalas goes out smiling because as a comedian he reached the pinnacle of his career—playing politics. These Legislators know it that the electorate they represent is wired to think ODM Party. They are not representing the interests of other parties for nothing. They earn out of it.
What do you get as a voter?
Increased taxes and commodity prices? Poor representation that threatens to pass the Finance Bill 2024 for personal expediency?
What do you get as a voter?
This brings us to my pet subject that in this time and age, some rudimentary education is a necessary requirement for elected leaders.
Let’s take Nairobi as a case in point. The Assembly made up mainly of semi-literate commercial nabobs still engages in fistfights now and then. The Executive is headed by someone whose academic papers have never been verified and Nairobi residents, knowing that, stone his convoy for fun, now and then.
But what can you say about the Nairobi Senator? In this digital age schooling is a must. Yes, schooling and being blunt in politics.
Coming back home, that reminds me that in the lineup of the second term of Ajim Wuod Athiende, Wuod Nyamayanga there’s an academic dwarf who claims to be the next Deputy Governor. Take him to school now, there’s still time. Otherwise, such people always end up being baggage.
The little bird that whispers to me has confirmed that the Senate Mediation Committee is coming to town this week and it has appealed to Baba to reconcile Orengo with Oduol Denge. When that happens we can all sleep well knowing Siaya is in able, proficient and safe hands.
Until then…. Edwin Sifuna anasema:
Tumefika mahali Rigathi Gachagua ndiye anakaa ako na akili kwa hii serikali.
Good day
Editorial Monday 17 June 2024